Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Reflection

Reflection 5/25/11

During my time during Spanish 2 I have learned so many things. Mrs. Langley is a great teacher and gives us a lot of work to keep us improving our spanish vocabulary and spanish grammar. We do many different activities in and out of class that can improve the way we speak, type, and write spanish. Learning spanish can possible help me in my future for reason I do not know yet. I think it is important for me to learn spanish because I could end up needing the knowledge of speaking or writing spanish in the work force later on in my life. Some of the things we have learned this semester is how to conjugate a lot of different verbs and how to speak them. We have learned the rules of many irregular things in spanish also. We use garage band to learn how to speak spanish and it allows us to listen to ourselves to catch mistakes and help improve our speaking. We post many activities that we complete on our blog so that other students may look at our work and admire what we have completed during the time we have spent in this class. I enjoy being able to go back and look at my work because I can go back and see my improvement. I do not know how I plan on using spanish in my future but I know that it is important to learn what I can because it may come into use anytime during my time in the workforce. If I do not learn spanish now I will not have the as good of an opportunity as I do now to learn spanish as I do now. I have enjoyed learning spanish this semester and I plan on continuing my learning until I can speak, type, and write spanish fluently.

Spanish Reading 3

Start Time: 10:00

El símbolo en el centro de la bandera mexicana ilustra una leyenda sobre los orígenes de Tenochitlán, la capital de la civilización azteca. Dice la leyenda que los aztecas debían construit una gan ciudad donde veiran un águila qu comía una serpiente encima de un nopal. Caund los aztecas llegaron al lago Texcoc, vieron ese símbolo y decidieron construir Tenchtitlán sobre el lago.
Escribe una Composición sobre este símbolo. ¿Qué piensas de las imágenes? Copara el águila de la bander mexicana a águila de Estados Unidos. ¿QuEe tipos de águilas son? ¿Qué caliades o ideas representan? ¿Cómo son similares o diferentes?

End Time: 10:06

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


During this semester of Spanish 2 I have learned many things. I have worked on many packets of work but in my opinion it does not help me a lot. The things that help me learn the most in Spanish class is working together on the board. When Mrs. Langley holds group activities and we complete worksheets on the board I learn best. This helps the most because I get to work with my classmates at my table and the ones working at the board. When we are working on the board Mrs Langley gets to work one on one with us but at the same time is helping the whole class by changing errors that we make while writing on the board. We also use garageband and keynote to enhance our Spanish learning ability. Garageband helps use speak spanish and be able to play it back to catch out own mistakes. This also allows Mrs. Langley to listen to us and help us correct speaking mistakes. Keynote helps us use our creativity with spanish. We can put pictures and words in spanish on out keynote to help us stay involved in spanish.

Friday, May 6, 2011

cinco de mayo

Cinco de mayo is a holiday held on May fifth and is celebrated by the Spanish. This holiday came about in 1852 when the spanish won an unlikely victory over the French. General Zaragoza lead the Spanish to this big victory. Zaragoza and his troops fought in primarily in the state of Puebla.
The reason this battle was such a surprise is because the French double the number of soldiers with 8,000 when the Spanish only had 4,000. The French had not lost a war in over 50 years so the defeat was even greater. The United States celebrates cinco de mayo because of Mexican heritage and pride. Also to commemorate the freedom of America.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Conexiones Las ciencias sociales

start time: 9:22

La bandera mexicana

El simbolo en el centro de la bandera mexicana ilusra una leyenda sobre los origenes de Tenochtitlán, la capital de la civilizacion aazteca. Dice la leyenda que los aztecas debian construir una gran ciudad donde vieran un aguila que comia una serpiente encima de un nopal. Cuando los aztecas llegaron al lago Texoco, vieron ese simbolo y decidieron construir Tenochtitlán sobre el lago.
Escribe una conposición sobre este simbolo. ¿Qué piensas de los imagenes? Compara el aguila de la bandera mexicana al aguila de Estados Unidos. ¿Que tipos de aguilas son? ¿Que calidades o ideas representan? ¿Como son similares o diferentes?

finish time: 9:27

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chores and my room

En mi casa he de sacar la basura cada semana. Me lavo los platos y la ropa. Hago mi cama. Corté el césped. Me lavo los coches a veces ans puedo limpiar mi habitación. Mi papá a veces se enoja conmigo porque no tengo todas mis tareas por hacer.
A veces puede incluso llegar mi mamá y mi hermano que me ayude con mis tareas. Siempre espere hasta el último momento para hacerlas. Si yo no los puedo podía tierra. Es por eso que suelo hacer mis tareas.

Spanish Letter

17 de ferero

Tyler Bruton
851 Ferncliff Dr.

Querida Bob:

Me llamo Tyler. Soy estudiante en Mooresville, en el estado de la North Carolina. Hy muchas interesante en Mooresville. Me gusta mirar beisbol. Soy muy deportista y me encanta jugar al beisbol y fútbol amerecano. Me gusta muy practicar deportes. Yo soy muy sociable. Me gusta hablar mis amigos. Yo soy gracioso.

Tu amigo, Tyler

Spanish Participation

In spanish class I think I participate very well. I think i deserve an A in spanish class. I try to ask questions in spanish as many times as I can. I make an effort in class and try my best. I always have my supplies in class and I help my classmates with their work as well. I am never late to class and I complete all my tasks. I support my classmates with a positive attitude and I participate well with others.
I enjoy spanish class and am always on task. I make a big effort in class and have fun at the same time.

My School Day

My School Day

My name is Carmen and I am a student at El Toro in El Toro, California.
At 7:50 am I have my first class: Spanish, my favorite class. I like to talk in spanish. In the second hour I have math. My math teacher teaches very well and I like that class very much. My science class is at 9:20. I have to much homework in my science class and my teacher is very funny. At 4:00 I have english. I like that class and my english teacher is my favorite teacher. I have lunch at 10:50. In the 6th hour I have literature. I like to read a lot. My PE class is at 12:20. This is not my favorite class, but I am sporty and I like to practice sports. In the eighth hour I have history. My history teacher likes o teach a lot and is one interesting class. I have computer class at 1:50. It is not interesting and I don’t like it at all.

Typing Spanish

Start time: 9:42

Conexiones Las Ciencias Sociales
La bandera mexicana

El símbolo en el centro de la bandera mexicana ilustra una leyenda sobre los orígenes de Tenochtitlán, la capital de la civilización azteca. Dice la leyenda que los aztecas debían construir una gran ciudad donde vieran un águila que comia una serpiente encima de un nopal. Cuando los aztecas llegaron al lago Texcoco, vieron ese símobolo y decidieron construir Techtitlán sobre el lago.

Escribe una composición sobre este símbolo. ¿Qué piensas de los imágenes? Compara el águila de Estados Unidos. ¿Qué tipos de águilas son? ¿Qué calidades o ideas representan? ¿Cómo son similares o diferentes?

End time: 9:49

How fast I can type spanish

start time 9:42

El simbolo en el de la bandera mexicana ilustra una leyenda sobre los orígenes de Tenochtitlán, la capital de la civilización azteca. Dice la leyenda que los aztecas debían construir una gran ciudad donde vieran un águila que comia una serpiente encima de un nopal. caundo los aztecas llegaron al lago Texcoco, vieron ese símbolo y decidieron construir Tenochtitlán sobre el lago.

Excibe una composición sobre este símbolo. ¿Qué piensas de los imágenes? Compara el águila de la bandero mexicana al águila de Estados Unidos. ¿Qué tipos de águilas son? ¿Qué calidades o ideas representan? ¿Cómo son similares o deferentes?

end time 9:49


Health Care USA vs. Spain

Health Care Systems
Spain vs. America
Tyler Bruton

The health care systems in America and Spain have many similarities and differences. Spain has a free public health care that is free. America doesn’t have any free health care anywhere in the country. However there is a waiting list for the free health care in Spain. Like America it is also recommended in Spain to have your own private health care plans so you may receive medical attention quickly. Spain has larger hospitals in bigger towns and cities just like America. You must present an verification card like an insurance card or social security card in both Spain and America before receiving any treatment. The system of educating doctors is very different in Spain than in America. In Spain doctors receive their training as university undergraduates. If you receive public health care you will be assigned a doctor but if you have insurance you may pick you doctor. At Spanish pharmacies many drugs that would be prescription drugs in America do not require a prescription in Spain. Like America your doctor can give you a prescription to pick up needed drugs at the pharmacy. There are many 24 hour pharmacies in both Spain and America.

la casa y los quehaceres

letter to pen-pal

17 de septiembre

Bobby Bill
Calle San Antonio 12

Querida Bobby:

Me llamo Tyler (Teo en espanol) y soy de los Estado Unidos. Soy estudiante en Mooresville, en el estado de la North Carolina. Vivo en la ciudad de la carrera USA.

Soy muy deportista y me encanta nadar y correr. Mi Padre es maestro en Mooresville. Pero si no me gusta ir a la escuela y no me gusta leer. Mi actividad favorita? Estar con mis amigos y juego athleticos.

?Como eres, Bobby Bill?

Tu amigo,


Friday, February 18, 2011

First month of spanish: Tyler Bruton

During the first month of spanish my mind was refreshed of old spanish that I learned during spanish one last year. Once my mind was ready to go I began learning more vocabulary words and how to conjugate them. I have learned many different ways to learn spanish including making flash cards, recording myself on GarageBand, and just discussing with the students around me.